Friday, October 12, 2007

My First 'Painting a Day' painting

I've been trying to do least one painting each day. When I told my husband my plan he said, 'You already paint every day.' He's right....I do.

I replied, 'Yes, but it's never what 'I' want to paint...I spend my days painting what every one else wants.' painting a day will be...

...the themes I want to paint the colors I want the design I choose whatever medium that strikes my fancy
...and so on...

I've been at it for a few weeks. I haven't been able to paint something every single day, but I certainly try. Somedays I'm just too busy...some days I'm just to dry and the ideas just won't flow...some days I'm too 'spent' from everything else. But overall it's been working out and I enjoy it. I plan to continue doing this until it no longer suits me.

Here's a phot of my first painting-a-day...

Enjoy! Until next time,